
Reply To: Orthopedics mid module exam #batch_33


Essay Qs:
1-acute osteomyelitis ( define, features, radiological finding, treatment )
2-osteoarthritis ( define, clinical features, radiological findings, risk factors, treatment )
3-benign tumor ( staging, radiological features, treatment)
4-pelvic fracture (define shock, staging, treatment of pelvic fracture )
5-open fracture ( define, classification, emergency treatment, definitive treatment)

1 -triad of death
2- Suprachondylar fracture ( which view of x-ray show fat pad sign )
3- Froments sign seen in which nerve injury ( ulnar )
4- Cervical traction power ( ?lb)
5- Wrist extension preserve in which radial nerve injury ( low lesion )
6- Septic arthritis in aspiration ( >50000 WBC )
7- Most common organism in septic arthritis ( S. Auries )
8- End stage of joint in TB ( fibrous ankylosis )
9- Best method of early stage of septic arthraitis
10- Lachman test for which ligament ( ACL)
11- Sequence of bone healing
12- Sequence of growth palate
13- Which type of growth fracture in the X-Ray ( 4)
14- What is the commonest site of vertebral compression
15- What is the commonest site of vertebral TB
16- Empty bottle test for which muscle ( supraspinatous )
17- Position of limb in Erbs palsy
18- X-ray finding in aortic rupture
19- Osteoblastic tumor ( prostate )
20- Normal position of hand ( 20 wrist extension, 70 MCP flexion, IP full extension )
21- Which one of these fracture increase risk of fat embolism& DVT ( femur)
22- What Is the common bone for autograft ( fibula ? )
23- Best radiology study to identify scaphoid avascular necrosis
24- What is the most common type of CP ( spastic )
25- Which one of these test for carpal tunnel syndrome ( phalen )
26- How many compartments in forearm?
27- What is the indication of measure compartment pressure
28- Which one of these is not a part from Virchow triad
29- Define involcurom
30- How much drop in compartment pressure after spread of cast ?
31- Carpal bone arrangement from radial to ulna
32- Salmonella infection increase in which case ?
33- Benz Jonse protein seen in which malignancy? (MM )