
Reply To: Youth and Elderly final module exam #batch_35

Anas Alothaim


1-which of the following is Personal Determinants of Active Ageing?

  • Literacy
  • genetics *
  • Health promotion
  • Family

2-senario: old man don’t want to go through surgery and his son ask you to do surgery, doctor didn’t do it.. which of the following describe doctor choose?

  • Autonomy *
  • Non maleficence
  • Beneficence
  • Justice

3- the answer was Non maleficence


4-senario: old man with terminal illness ask doctor to end his life.. which of the following describe it?

  • Euthanasia *
  • DNR
  • ***
  • ***

5-which of the following is reduced absorption with milk?

  • tetracyclines *
  • ***
  • ***
  • ***

6- defintion of Working Memory

  • Working Memory *
  • ***
  • ***
  • ***

7- First site of metabolism of nicotine

  • Lung *
  • Liver
  • ***
  • ***

8- smoker with Irritability what will you advise him?

  • Engage in pleasurable activity *
  • Call supportive person
  • Select oral substitute
  • ***

9- smoker Not yet considered quitting.. in which cycle  he is now? (or other cycle.. i forget)

  • Pre-contemplation *
  • Contemplation
  • Determination
  • Action

10- man in The social care hostels should be:

  • ***
  • ***
  • ***
  • ***