<p style=”text-align: left;”>- Arterial Blood circulation of Kidney (Seq)</p>
– Plsama fraction (20%) mcq
– Anamolities of kideny and ureter
– filtration barrier?
– Describe sturecture component of renal filteration barrier
– Relations of Right Ureter
– Trigone of the bladder ( mesonephric duct)
– Mention two iones and there fuction?
– driange of the urinay bladder?mcq
– The fraction of blood that filtared by glomerulus …. 20%
– Role of kidney in acid base regulation
Exe H , NH4
Conserve bicarbonate
– Netheir secreted nor reabsorbed ? Mcq
– most senstion part of urinary tract
– Different between collids and crystalloids
– Femoral artery iv > thrombosis
– Descibe Autoregulation
– CASES: develops acute renal failure with dark urine one week after a flu-like illness. A renal biopsy is likely to reveal:
*Crescentric GN*
يشبه اذا ما كان نفسه
– Renal artery from aorta in L2
– Discuss artery of the kidney
– Injury to sacrum segment will cause [ aotonic bladder ]
– Lipoid desease = minimal change desease والي يتغير فيه
Epithelial = podocyte
– When a person drink Alcohol:
High & concentrated urine
-Loop diuretics there is blook to [ na , k , cl2 ]
-Thiazide diuretics will cause > metabolic alkalosis
-سيناريو ب ال سي كيو عن ال
Pathogenesis + diagnosis or related desease
محاضره عاطف
-Causes of metabolic alkalosis? ( seq)
– Diluting segment > thick ALOH
– Filtration barriers SEQ
-Function of Auto regulation
-Define counter current and function
-Auto regulation of the kidney ? Seq
-Significance of major ions in the body ?
-Mechnism of kidney to maintain acid base balance (SEQ)
-Side Effects of thiazides – alkalosis
-Enumerate four development anomalities of the kidney
-ICF buffer : phosphate (mcq)
-4 Differences between colloids & crystalloids.
-Define anion gap and normal volume for it
-Factors affecting gfr
-Define GFR + Factor affecting
-Case of metabolic alkalosis
-counter current mechanism?
-Phosphate buffer (msq)