
Anas Alothaim

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  • Anas Alothaim

    تجميع ثاني وموجود في المرفقات


    1.     The most common cancers worldwide? -> Lung cancer

    2.     The Goal of SCR? -> Supporting early detection and cancer screening programs

    3.     The overall incidence of cancer in Saudi Arabia Is 71.7 per 100,000

    4.     method to screen for breast cancer Mammography

    5.     Hemorrhagic cystitis (dysuria, hematuria due to irritation of bladder mucosa) treated by Mesna.

    6.     Case about Rheumatoid arthritis, which drug you will choose to treatment? Methotrexate

    7.     Ectopic pregnancy /medical termination of pregnancy is treated by Methotrexate

    8.     Treatment of methotrexate toxicity is prevented by using Folinic acid

    9.     Which one is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs)-> Tamoxifen

    10.  Which one of these drugs cause Fatal pulmonary fibrosis-> Bleomycin

    11.  Treatment of choice for Lung cancer(Small cell /Non small cell)-> Cisplatin+etoposide

    12.  Auer rods are found in AML

    13.  The most important prognostic factor is the Staging of a tumor

    14.  Duke’s classification → colon cancer

    15.  Which one of the following  has the least radiosensitive response-> pneumocytes

    16.   Starry sky appearance -> Burkett’s lymphoma




    –        Define Cachexia, and discuss its Mechanism

    –        What is the Paraneoplastic syndrome? what is its Importance? enumerate 4 examples

    –        Classification OF CNS Tumors

    –        Classes of Astrocytic tumors, mention Four parameters essential for Grading system.

    –        Discuss Philadelphia Chromosome & its role in pathogenesis, and management of CML

    –        Discuss the following aspects of Hodgken’s lymphoma 1-types 2- etiology 3- morphology of the most common type


    Anas Alothaim


    1-which of the following is Personal Determinants of Active Ageing?

    • Literacy
    • genetics *
    • Health promotion
    • Family

    2-senario: old man don’t want to go through surgery and his son ask you to do surgery, doctor didn’t do it.. which of the following describe doctor choose?

    • Autonomy *
    • Non maleficence
    • Beneficence
    • Justice

    3- the answer was Non maleficence


    4-senario: old man with terminal illness ask doctor to end his life.. which of the following describe it?

    • Euthanasia *
    • DNR
    • ***
    • ***

    5-which of the following is reduced absorption with milk?

    • tetracyclines *
    • ***
    • ***
    • ***

    6- defintion of Working Memory

    • Working Memory *
    • ***
    • ***
    • ***

    7- First site of metabolism of nicotine

    • Lung *
    • Liver
    • ***
    • ***

    8- smoker with Irritability what will you advise him?

    • Engage in pleasurable activity *
    • Call supportive person
    • Select oral substitute
    • ***

    9- smoker Not yet considered quitting.. in which cycle  he is now? (or other cycle.. i forget)

    • Pre-contemplation *
    • Contemplation
    • Determination
    • Action

    10- man in The social care hostels should be:

    • ***
    • ***
    • ***
    • ***